−Cancellations of 24 hours or less in writing will incur a 100% cancellation fee.
−All cancellations must be in writing
−Cancellations for cocktail & formal functions must be 72 hours prior to the event
−Prices are subject to change without notification and are inclusive of GST but do not include staff, hire or delivery costs.
−Please note on formal functions with less than 10 guests a $250.00 surcharge will apply.
−Coffee & tea set up where no staff are present will incur a $70.00 set up / pull down fee to cover the cost of labour.
−Final numbers are required 3 working days prior to the event
−Gluten free dietary requirements will incur a surcharge of $2.50 per person per requirement
−We can cater for most dietary requirements except Kosher
−Kitchen Witchery takes all precautionary steps to ensure dietary, religious and allergen requirements are met, however Kitchen Witchery cannot guarantee that allergens will not be present in selected and/or provided food. Any additional dietary requirements requested at the event itself will be charged accordingly as per your final menu selections being served.
−Dietary requirements are required 3 working days prior to the function.
−All accounts are strictly 7 days unless otherwise arranged with management.
−Invoices are issued electronically.
−Payment can be made by credit card, direct credit, credit cards incur a 2% surcharge to cover bank fees.
−Private functions and weddings are required to pay a 50% deposit to secure the booking.
−All platters and catering equipment remain the property of Kitchen Witchery and must be returned cleaned and in good order.
−All breakages, non returns and damage will be charged for at replacement cost.